Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Delectable Lime Buttercream frosting

My dear friend Cathy and I are always trying new things when we get together to cook.  What I haven't been totally upfront about is that sometimes I'm totally winging it.  This was one of those instances, and I'm happy to say it turned out delicious!

This isn't the best picture for it, but if you squint real hard you can see the lime zest leaves pretty little flecks of green in the white icing. Makes enough for 24 large cupcakes or about a billion tiny ones

1 stick of SOFTENED butter*
2 cups of sifted powdered sugar
1-2 tbsp (up to you) lime zest
1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lime juice plus more if needed+

Stick the butter in a bowl and hit it with a hand or stand mixer at medium speed a few times.  It should sort of smush like melting ice cream (NOTE: if it stays in block form, but with marks on it, it needs to soften more)  Sift the powdered sugar into the bowl and blend on LOW SPEED (anything more than that will cover your kitchen in powdered sugar and you can't say I didn't warn you) 

At this point, it should look grainy and slightly yellowish.  Add in the lime zest and lime juice and blend again (you can turn the speed up now)  It should all stick together and look like...well...icing.  If it's still grainy or too thick for the texture you want, add more lime juice a drizzle at a time.

Easiest way to decorate with it is to shove it into a ziplock (I'm presuming, like me, most of you don't have actual piping bags) and nick off the corner to the width you want.  Then squeeze it on in a spiral pattern.  The thickness I described this as making will not spread on its own, so either spread it yourself or make it a tight spiral pattern.

*NOT melted^
^DEFINITELY not melted#
#In no way shape or form should you melt your butter!
+ If you want to dye your icing, you have to subtract an equal amount of lime juice from the recipe or it will come out soupy.  I'd recommend adding the dye to the measuring spoon, then filling it the rest of the way with the lime juice

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

You put WHAT in your chilli?!

I came across the basis for this recipe in a vegetarian cookbook I found and had forgotten all about.  It called for, get this, carrots.  I laughed, but figured that I couldn't really taste anything too subtle anyway (having a cold at the time) so no harm in giving it a go.  I was shocked (SHOCKED, I tell you) to find that carrots seem to be the missing ingredient in chilli.  They give it a flavor I didn't even know I was missing.

So give it a try.  Really.  It's super cheap to make and relatively fast, so no harm done.

1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic
1 red pepper diced
2 carrots, peeled and diced no larger than the last joint of your pinky finger!!!*
1 can of diced tomatoes
2 cans of pinto beans, drained
5-10 slices of pickled jalepenos, diced super fine
Black pepper to taste

Drizzle olive oil around the bottom of a large pan (I used a spaghetti pot) and heat over medium high.  Dump in the onion and garlic and snap a lid on that sucker. (be careful of oil spitting up out of the pan)  Lower the heat to medium and let cook for 10 minutes.

If you haven't already done it, chop the pepper and carrots while you're waiting.  Lift the lid, dump in pepper and carrots and give it a good stir.  Put the lid back on and let cook for another 10 minutes.  Take off the lid and get it out of your way, you won't need it again.  Jab at the largest carrot chunk you see with a fork: the fork should slide right in. (If it doesn't, you probably didn't listen to me about the size.  That's ok, just stick the lid back on and check at 5 minute intervals until you can sucessfully jab that carrot)

Dump tomatoes and beans on top of everything.  Turn heat back up to medium high.  Stir a few times, till everything is warm, then dump in the jalepenos.  Let cook for about 5 minutes (this is flavor-merging stage), then serve into bowls.  Very delicious with a sprinkle of cheddar.

Bonus!  It's good cold, too.

*If the carrots are too big, you'll wait forever for this to be done