Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Coffee (And other flavors) Agar

Sometimes I like to make something a little weird and give it a go.  Sometimes that works out for me, other times it turns out really gross.

Agar Agar is a Jell-o like item from Asia (usually Japan) that can be all sorts of fun.  You name the flavor, you can make it.  Everything from the innocent orange juice to the darker coffee.  You can also put little chunks of fruit in it.  My favorite so far has been to make it with Mango Tango Odwalla smoothie and put bits of banana in it.  So here's how you do it!

2 cups of coffee (or other liquid if you're changing the flavor)
3 tbsp sugar (adjust this for juices! They don't need as much because they're already sweet.  I do still recommend some sugar, though)
1 tbsp agar agar powder (find at your local health food or foreign food store OR online)

In a saucepan (does not need to be large), sprinkle about two tablespoons of the coffe, then sprinkle the sugar and agar agar powder over it.  Stir to mix together, scraping the bottom.  Add in the rest of the coffee.

Bring to a simmer, then remove from the heat and pour into a 9x9 baking pan (no need to grease!  I have no idea why, but this stuff doesn't stick.)

Let cool to room temperature, then put in the fridge.  Ready to eat whenever you're ready to eat it!