Saturday, May 2, 2015

Simply Sadistic Salsa

I had a chilli and salsa contest at work the other day.  I got a little excited.  I went out and got all the ingredients and chopped and mixed and tasted and blended and adjusted until I was sure I had it just right...

And only one other person showed up for it and she made chilli.

Oh well, this is some awesome salsa and people liked it and it will clear your sinuses right out!  If you don't like to have it painfully hot, scale back the habs and leave out the Puckerbutt sauce.

7 Roma or other small and largely un-seed-ish tomatoes, diced
6 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped
2 roughly chopped jalepenos
1 bell pepper, diced (I prefer red, but yellow or orange is fine.  Green will change the flavor)
1 small onion, diced
2 habeneros, minced as finely as you can manage
1 lime, zested and juiced
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon Puckerbutt Voodoo Prince

Mix it all in a nonreactive (read: glass or ceramic) bowl and let sit overnight.  The salt will produce the liquid "sauce" from the tomatoes and other vegetables.

P.s.  I'm not kidding about the nonreactive bowl, I'm really not.