Saturday, November 8, 2014

Leftover Rotisserie Chicken Noodle Soup

You're looking at that rotisserie chicken you bought, thinking there's enough meat left on it to do something, but what?  Not really enough for another full meal, but maybe...

Soup!  The original way to stretch a little bit of food a long way (Ever read Stone Soup?  You should.)

Warning: since you're using the whole chicken, you will be fishing out bones.  They add a lot of flavor, but they can kind of weird out the squeamish.

The leftover body of your rotisserie chicken (that means the wings, legs, bones, skin, etc, etc)
1 onion, peeled and quartered
2-4 stalks of celery, as you prefer, chopped up roughly
Approximately 1/2 cup of roughly diced whole carrots or chopped baby carrots
A sprig of thyme, if you have it, or some freshly ground pepper if you don't
1/2 a bag of egg noodles

Lay the chicken down in a crock pot and pour water over it until it's about 3/4s covered.  Add in everything else.  Cover and cook on high at least 4 hours.

Fish out the bones and the thyme if you added it.

Toss in noodles, stir them in, and let it cook another 10-15 minutes (just letting the noodles soak up juice, really)


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