Saturday, April 25, 2015

Pan-seared Orange Roughy

White fish is the easiest fish to cook.  I hate cooking fish (read: touching fish) and I find most of the white fishes easy to deal with.

In case you're wondering, white fish would include: orange roughy, cod, tilapia, and flounder.  They're categorized in my mind both by their pale white flesh and their extremely neutral flavor.  Anything goes with them, and for the most part people who don't care for strong fish flavors will be able to enjoy them.

So grab your skillet and get ready to sear!

2 orange roughy fillets (you can substitute another white fish, but make sure the fillets are no more than an inch thick)
Approximately 1 teaspoon olive oil
Your favorite fish seasoning (I used Japanese 7 Spice from The Spice House, but salt and pepper or Old Bay are just as good)

 Dab a paper towel in the olive oil and wipe the surface of your nonstick skillet down with the olive oil.  You don't want a lot of oil in the pan, just enough so that if you turn the pan towards the light there's a little greasy sheen.

Place the pan on the range and turn the heat up to medium high.  Let it sit for a minute or two until, when you hold your hand about an inch over the surface, you can feel the heat (very hot)

Pat your fillets dry on a paper towel or kitchen cloth: you don't want any extra moisture from their thawing (As most fish is frozen) or the water it might've been stored in. Immediately lay each fillet in the pan, a little apart (if your pan allows.  Just don't overlap) and sprinkle with seasoning.

Cook for 3 minutes.  Watch the clock.

Flip with a spatula (press the spatula firmly against the bottom of the pan and swiftly move under the fish, then flip)  Sprinkle seasoning again and cook another 4 minutes.  There should be a bit of browning around the edges of the fish.

Fish is done when you can stick a fork in it, twist, and it flakes easily instead of "pulling" (generally speaking, these times are perfect as long as your cuts aren't any bigger than I specified)


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