Sunday, January 27, 2013

Everyday sweet/spicy chickpeas

Chickpeas are ridiculously tasty in my opinion.  Every so often I'll crack open a can and just start nibbling on the little guys, not paying any mind to the fact that I can't (and shouldn't) finish off the can in one sitting.

Here is something relatively quick and easy you can do for snack food for yourself or for a party.  They're also good on top of ice cream or yogurt.

1 can of chickpeas, rinsed and well drained
1 tbsp butter or olive oil*
2 tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp cayene pepper

Mix brown sugar and cayenne pepper in a medium bowl.  Set aside.

Line a cookie pan with wax or parchment paper.  Set aside.

In a large skillet, melt butter over medium-high heat.  Toss in chickpeas and stir the pan frequently until butter dissolves and chickpeas begin to brown.   Immediately toss warm chickpeas into the brown sugar mixture and toss until chickpeas are evenly coated.  Spread in an even layer on cookie sheet and let cool.

*Main difference here is flavor.  Some people don't mind olive oil flavor in with their sweet stuff, personally I think it's pretty nasty.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Banana Softserve

I am a HUGE fan of all things ice cream and frozen yogurt.  Even in the depths of winter the craving can hit me for a bowl of cool, sweet creaminess.

Don't let it break your resolution!  There's a way, and I think I can safely say it is delicious.

If you'd like, experiment with different liquids for different flavors or thinness.  I like coconut milk because it gives the creaminess of real ice cream.

3 really ripe bananas, broken up into inch long pieces*
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk

Place the banana pieces in a single layer on a piece of wax paper and set in your freezer until frozen (at least 4 hours).

Combine all items in your blender, pulsing with "ice crush" option until totally combined.  Serve immediately.

THIS RECIPE DOES NOT RE-FREEZE WELL.  There is nothing in it to prevent it from freezing into a solid brick.

* When I say really ripe, I mean the ones that are starting to go brown.  If there's even a smidge of green on your banana, it can make the recipe taste starchy and harsh.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Leftover Rice Pudding

Leftover rice is nothing to be ashamed of.  Especially if you're trying to watch your portions (good job, you!)  On the other hand, having it sitting in a container at the back of the refrigerator growing steadily harder and unappetizing isn't really the best situation.  So what to do?

Add a few simple ingredients and enjoy it, that's what!


1/2 cup milk (whole milk, skim milk, soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, whatever you like milk!)
1/2 cup leftover rice, preferably not hard yet
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp nutmeg

Heat milk and sugar in a large mug in microwave for 2-3 minutes (warm, but not so hot a layer of skin forms on the milk)  Stir in nutmeg and rice.  Enjoy!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Apple Tasty

I'm a huge fan of apple anything and baked apples are one of my favorites.  Make it quicker and easier by just slicing off the outside and throwing away your core.

This is a serve-one size (fairly large), but can be multiplied for however many people you want.  Great with a glass of milk.

1 apple, roughly diced
1 tsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp pecans (or walnuts, really your choice)
1/4 cup crumble mix (see below)
1 tbsp butter

Lightly coat a small baking dish (like a custard cup) with butter.  Toss apple with brown sugar, cinnamon, and nuts, and pour into dish.  Melt butter and stir in with crumble mix, then pour over apples.  Bake at 350 for 15 minutes or microwave on high for 5 (crust will not get crisp)

Crumble mix

1 cup instant oats
1/2 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp brown sugar

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's Resolution Dessert Month

What is a more common New Year's Resolution than to lose weight?  And what makes it harder to do than the sight of some delectable dessert taunting you from the menu or your neighbor's table?  (or, for the home hunters like me, a gorgeous spread on a tv show or website)

Not too surprisingly, though, there are a few desserts you can fix that still taste delicious and won't completely ruin your diet.  For every Sunday left this month, I'll give you a dessert you can enjoy without kissing your diet goodbye.