Sunday, January 20, 2013

Banana Softserve

I am a HUGE fan of all things ice cream and frozen yogurt.  Even in the depths of winter the craving can hit me for a bowl of cool, sweet creaminess.

Don't let it break your resolution!  There's a way, and I think I can safely say it is delicious.

If you'd like, experiment with different liquids for different flavors or thinness.  I like coconut milk because it gives the creaminess of real ice cream.

3 really ripe bananas, broken up into inch long pieces*
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk

Place the banana pieces in a single layer on a piece of wax paper and set in your freezer until frozen (at least 4 hours).

Combine all items in your blender, pulsing with "ice crush" option until totally combined.  Serve immediately.

THIS RECIPE DOES NOT RE-FREEZE WELL.  There is nothing in it to prevent it from freezing into a solid brick.

* When I say really ripe, I mean the ones that are starting to go brown.  If there's even a smidge of green on your banana, it can make the recipe taste starchy and harsh.

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