Friday, December 27, 2013

Sauteed Spinach with Nutmeg and Lemon Zest

I'm going to admit right off that I love sauteed spinach, oddball that I am.  I think, though, that a lot of people who would otherwise turn their nose up at this humble vegetable will like this due to the extra flavors.  Please give it a go!

1 large bag of spinach, picked over for bad pieces, stems removed, and washed
Zest of one lemon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tablespoon butter

After washing the spinach, leave the water on it and toss it in a large sauce pan.  Heat over medium high with a lid on it for about five minutes, then open and stir.  The spinach should be wilted.   Put back on a minute at a time until it is, if it is not.

Take off the heat and stir in butter, nutmeg, and lemon zest.  Serve warm or cool.

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