Friday, January 20, 2012

Cheatsheet: Turnovers

Welcome to the very first Cheatsheet!

Cheatsheets are foods that look homemade, but really only partly are. They're quick, they're easy, and they're often quite elegant looking. As long as you don't let anyone know, they'll never guess that you only did the footwork!

This is a favorite of mine from when I was a kid. My mother is the queen of the "Homemade Potato Salad" (read: one that has been taken out of the container she got it in at the store and sprinkled with paprika) and these were another of her little tricks.


1 can of crescent rolls
1 can of fruit pie filling (I used cherry)

Preheat oven as instructed on the can. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Roll out the crescent roll dough and separate it. Squish it out so the widest part is even wider.

Put about 1 spoonful of filling in the widest part of the dough. For cherry pie filling, this usually means 3-4 cherries plus surrounding goop. For apple, it generally means 1 slice, poked in half and folded over.

Fold over the short point of the dough, pinching down the side to seal in the filling.

Fold over the long point of the dough, pulling it tight around the filling, then pinching to seal. Pinch off the end. (If you're a savvy sort of person, there are enough end pinches to make one more small turnover. I, however, eat them.)

Sprinkle the turnovers with sugar and bake as directed on the crescent roll canister.


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