Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chocolate Truffles

What's better for Valentine's Day than making your sweetheart chocolates yourself?  I am also partial to making a few really good chocolates for myself, honestly!

These are not coated truffles (with a shell of hard chocolate on the outside) so they can be fancied up with a number of options and don't require any fancy equipment for even coating.  They are softer than traditional truffles as well, so they're well-served in mini-cupcake holders to prevent a mess.

1/3 cup of honey
8 oz chocolate (you have some options here: see notes below) broken into small pieces
1 stick of butter, cut into small pieces
2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
2 tbsp rum (or another liquor to your taste.  Kirsch is good, as is whisky)
1 cup cocoa powder (or sprinkles.  Or another rolling product)
1 tsp salt

In a medium bowl, combine chocolate and butter.  Put the bowl over a pot with of simmering water (water should be at least 2 inches short of the bottom of the bowl) and melt the chocolate, stirring often.  Once everything has melted, remove from the heat, and whisk in the honey, rum, and powdered sugar.

Cool in the fridge for about 10 minutes.

Combined cocoa powder and salt in a bowl.  Set out a plate.

Use your hands to roll small balls of chocolate (about the size of a marble) and then roll them in the cocoa powder.  Set on the plate.  Serve as desired.

Notes: I usually use 4 oz of semi sweet and 4 oz of bittersweet for a dark-ish chocolate truffle.  If you're not a big fan of dark chocolate, you may want to do all 8 oz in semi sweet.  If you like really dark, go with all 8 oz in bittersweet (makes my teeth hurt thinking about it)

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