Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cheatsheet: Make your own Greek Yogurt (kind of)

This wonder food deserves it's own place in the pantheon of great foods you can get cheaply. It can be used in place of sour cream (much healthier) and eaten instead of "regular" yogurt (also usually healthier)

Let me start by saying that you don't have to buy those little 1.50 per tiny yogurt sized ones. In fact, you can get a giant tub for about the same price.


  1. Buy the biggest tub you can find of plain, regular yogurt. No flavorings at this step if you want it to turn out right.
  2. Place a large strainer in a bowl slightly smaller than it, so there's at least two inches between the bowl and the strainer bottom.
  3. Place a clean, unscented dish towel in the strainer, making sure the sides are covered.
  4. Empty the yogurt into the dishtowel
  5. Keep and clean out the yogurt container and reserve
  6. Cover the strainer/bowl/yogurt with a large round plate and place in refrigerator.
  7. Leave overnight (for firm) or for 3 hours (for smooth)
  8. Lift the plate off and check for the desired consistency: in my case this means if I lift the towel out, it retains the shape of the strainer.
  9. Scoop back into container and refrigerate until ready to eat.
Now, if you over-shoot the firmness you want, you can stir back in small amount of the liquid that has drained off the yogurt.

After this, you can add in fruit, honey, or whatever else you desire.

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