Monday, March 19, 2012

Toasted Coconut Rice Pudding

If you never liked rice pudding, you'll like this.

If you hate the smell of burning popcorn, this may change your mind.

Toasted Coconut Rice Pudding

1/3 cup Jasmine rice (I haven't tried this with another type yet, so do so at your own risk)
1 14oz can of unsweetened coconut milk, not low fat
1/3 cup white sugar (brown sugar will make this too sweet)

Makes about 2 cups (6 servings)
Tip: Have all your ingredients out and measured when you start the recipe: this will not only keep you from having to struggle around for it, but also keeps you from burning the rice.

Pour rice into medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir and shake constantly until all rice is browned, about the color of brown sugar. Will put off a strong scent not unlike burning popcorn. YOU MUST KEEP STIRRING OR THE RICE WILL BURN.

Add the coconut milk and sugar to the pan and reduce heat to low. Stir to combine. Wait for it to come to a boil again, then cover with tight fitting lid and set a timer for 20 minutes. Stir about every 5 minutes for the first 15 minutes, then stir every other minute until done. This should make al dente (slightly chewy) rice, so you can cook longer if you want it really soft.

Serve warm or cold

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